Hello friend!
I started a Bullet Journal back in July, and I have been having so much fun with it. It was a little intimidating and time-consuming at first, but I feel like I’ve found my groove a little more with each page I make. I love that there’s infinite possibilities for layouts and decoration, but it can be overwhelming to a newbie!
In this post, I am sharing my Top 5 Tips for Starting a Bullet Journal. As a beginner bujo-er myself, these are things I have learned from the past two months in the process of starting my journal. I hope that these tips help you take a blank notebook to your very own Bullet Journal.
My Top 5 Tips for Starting a Bullet Journal:
1 Do some research. What kind of styles do you like? Are you more minimal or decorative? Doodle-y or artistic? Ruler lines or hand drawn? Collect your inspiration on a Pinterest board or on paper. This will help give you ideas when experimenting with layouts and pages in your bullet journal. Youtube is also a great source of inspiration for bujo spreads and styles. I enjoy watching AmandaRachLee, Cheyenne Barton, Jordan Clark, and Caitlin’s Corner.
2 Make a list of layouts you want to include in your new bullet journal. Many people include starting pages (such as a year-at-a-glance calendar, yearly goals, and a key to symbols), collections (lists of movies, books, memories, music, etc.), and monthly/weekly layouts. Before you get started, list out pages you want in your bujo and brainstorm some layouts for each one.
3 Gather the right tools. I am not a pencil person. I much prefer the smooth, bold look of pens. However, it is very helpful to use a pencil to sketch out your layout before committing in ink. I use a 0.5 mechanical pencil and I’ve been enjoying the freedom to sketch out lettering styles without fear of messing up. I also recommend getting a variety of pen types – thin, thick, brush, accent – to keep handy. Other must-haves: a good eraser, a portable ruler, and white out.
4 Incorporate your own style. The best part of bullet journaling, in my opinion, is being able to completely personalize it to your needs and aesthetic. Whether you love hand-lettering, drawing, scrapbooking, journaling, or collage, you can include your art in your bullet journal. I’ve been enjoying adding in a bit of collage, stickers, and lettering into my bujo. That’s what makes it look like MY journal. But, if you want to keep your bullet journal completely minimal, that’s up to you too! Don’t feel pressured to follow anyone else’s style – you do you.
5 Don’t be afraid to try something new! I definitely felt the pressure of perfection when I started my bullet journal. I wanted it to look like all the “Bullet Journal Set-Up” videos I watched on Youtube. But the truth is, I didn’t completely know what I wanted/needed in my journal when I started it! I left a few pages blank in the front and just got started. If you’re new to Bullet Journaling, give yourself the freedom to try out new layouts, styles, handwriting, and pages as you go. You will learn through trial and error what works for you functionally and aesthetically.
There you have it! My Top 5 Tips for Starting a Bullet Journal.
A Bullet Journal is a great option for creative planner people who want a customizable, personal journal. There are so many ways you can use a bujo to plan, document, track, and inspire your life. Whether you are completely new to Bullet Journaling, or are just needing a few helpful tips, I hope this post helps you to make the most of your bujo.
If you are or are hoping to start Bullet Journaling, let me know in the comments any questions you have or posts you’d like to see on WBT in the future. I am excited about this new planning/journal style and would love to share more. Likewise, if you have any other tips for starting a bullet journal, leave them in the comments too! I’d love to hear your advice.
Thank you so much for reading! Happy Bullet Journaling 🙂

I absolutely love these tips! I’ve been wanting to start a bullet journal for a long time, and now since I’m in quarantine, I have the chance to! Thank you so much!
May 1, 2020 at 5:31 pmHaley
This is the perfect time to start a BuJo! It’s very therapeutic to draw out all the lines and doodles. Have fun with it! Thanks for being a WBT reader <3
May 8, 2020 at 10:25 amxo, Haley