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Gone Writing!

Gone Writing

Hello friend!

After a lot of thought and back-and-forth, I’ve decided to take a bit of a blogging break while I’m away at Camp NaNoWriMo (which is to say, while I’m revising my novel and most likely drinking iced coffee and staring out the window pensively every few minutes).

Don’t worry though – I’ll still be active on social media, like sharing photos of my planner on Instagram, tweeting my writing struggles on Twitter, and procrastinating collecting inspiration on Pinterest. So if you want to connect, see what I’m up to day-to-day, or just check to make sure I’m alive and editing, be sure to follow me!

I’ll also be sending out weekly “Letters from Camp”  through Brightmail – my newsletter. If you haven’t joined the #brightclub and subscribed, click here or the image below to sign up!

If you came here looking for some inspiration and are sad to see me on hiatus, check out some of my older posts, like my Spring Book Picks, my Washi Tape Organization, or my list of 20 Creative Ways to Stay Inspired. Or, you can browse through my categories for a post that speaks to you!

I hope that you have a great April and I look forward to sharing more bright things with you in May 🙂

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